Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Bare Necessities  When Laura Smiles  By Request 
 2. Scott Mills  Will Laura's sister lie for Laura?  BBC Radio 1 
 3. Ed Hecht  When She Smiles   
 4. The Chancers  I Can See for Smiles  A Calling Out! 
 5. Glassacre  Take Away the Smiles  Slow Attack 
 6. Binary Mind  Smiles from Above   
 7. Glassacre  Take Away the Smiles  Slow Attack 
 8. The Harmony Four  Smiles  Edison Blue Amberol: 3613 
 9. Galaktika  Smiles   
 10. Atlantic Dance Orchestra  Tell me with smiles  Edison Blue Amberol: 4755 
 11. Henry Burr  Smiles  Indestructible Record: 3450 
 12. Price, Robert  Smiles   
 13. Cravinkel  Smiles  Cravinkel 
 14. Chez Jonesy  The Smiles  micro 
 15. Backstreet Boys  Helpless When She Smiles     
 16. TDRLP02 - Comfort Fit  Miles Of Smiles  TDRLP02 - Comfort Fit - Forget and Remember LP - Tokyo Dawn Records 
 17. Edison Military Band  Southern smiles  Edison Gold Moulded Record: 8549 
 18. Comfort Fit  Miles of Smiles  Forget and Remember 
 19. Ruby Jean And The Thoughtful Bees  Fake Smiles  CIUT Live Session 
 20. Ruby Jean And The Thoughtful Bees  Fake Smiles  CIUT Live Session 
 21. The Beloved  Jennifer Smiles   
 22. The Beloved  Jennifer Smiles   
 23. Berlin  World Of Smiles  Pleasure Victim  
 24. Kim Novak  When Anaiya Smiles  NaSoAlMo 2007 
 25. SonGawY.CoM - Backstreet Boys  Helpless When She Smiles  New Single 
 26. Fergus & Geronimo  Glistening Smiles.  Single Masters 
 27. Oh Astro  Candy Sun Smiles  Champions of Wonder 
 28. Bill Allred's Classic Jazz Band  When Buddha Smiles  Hong Kong Blues 
 29. Mark Padmore/English Concert/Andrew Manze  Heav'n smiles once more  Mark Padmore - Handel Arias 
 30. Bram Tchaikovsky  Sara Smiles  Strange Man, Changed Man 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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